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20 Plumbing Jokes


20 Plumbing Jokes

Everyone loves a good laugh. Even plumbers! Here are 20 Plumbing Jokes that will keep you and your friends giggling.
  1. What would a plumber like for their birthday?
    : A pipe cleaning
  2. What do plumbers have when they fall asleep?
    : Pipe dreams
  3. What do plumbers always say to customers?
    : Each time you flush a toilet, you put food in my family’s mouth. 
  4. How are a bodybuilder and a plumber alike?
    : They both love pumping iron.
  5. A plumber is the only guy I know who can take a leak and fix one too.
  6. What did one toilet say to the other?
    : You look flushed!
  7. A good flush beats a full house every time.
  8. What do Italian Plumbers use to contact the dead?
    : A Luigi board.
  9. What did the plumber say to the lady when he was standing on front of her sink?
    : I am at your disposal.
  10. Why did the walrus become a plumber?
    : Cause he loves a tight seal.
  11. What vegetable do plumbers hate?
    : Leeks
  12. How does a plumber make money in the casino?
    : Playing craps.
  13. Did you hear that someone broke into the Police Station and stole all the toilets?
    : Right now, the cops have nothing to go on. 
  14. Why was the plumber depressed? 
    : His career went down the toilet.
  15. Why do plumbers fall asleep at work? 
    : Their job is draining.
  16. What did the plumber find in Superman’s bathroom?
    : A Superbowl.
  17. Why do Scotsmen never call a plumber?
    : Because they are pipers themselves. 
  18. A plumber is the only guy who can take a leak… and fix it too. 
  19. What does a plumber say in a library?
    : Pipe Down!
  20. What do you get when you cross a plumber with a jeweler? 
    : A ring around the bathtub

We hope you got a chuckle out of these plumbing jokes. Do you have a clean plumbing joke that we didn’t share? Share it with us! Visit our website to submit your joke,

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